The localization principle of bistatic sonar is given and the gdop ( geometry dilution of precision ) which used in bistatic radar for describing the localization error has been cited in bistatic sonar 在对双基地声呐定位原理和定位误差分析的基础上,提出了用定位精度的几何解释( gdop )来表征双基地声呐定位误差的方法。
These analysis is based on a great deal of test . some conclusion is : geometry dilution of precision and the number of satellites can be used to pick out some abnormal points . to group the data according to the vertical dilution of precision can also pick out some abnormal points 通过对ag132大量实验和精度分析,提出了可以通过gps信号接收时的几何精度因子、卫星个数等首先剔除浙江大学博士学位论文摘要一批gps信号中的异常值,然后可以通过垂向的按几何精度因子分组判别法剔除一些异常值。